Week #10 Thuck and Robin lakes

Weather treated us well this week. After the baseball match we visited on Tuesday evening we could even go swimming to lake Washington on Wednesday.



Oh man these guys are not joking when they say bycicle TRAIL!

I was familiar and impressed by the bycicle trail I have discovered leading to Magnuson park. The Burke-Gilman trail is wonerfully build completely separeted from the car traffic and what is more they even paid attention to even out the ups and downs of the city. I was very impressed by this infrastructure so on Firday I set myself to explore how long this trail takes me. Well I rode 62 km that day and the trail still did not end. I rode all the way on nicely built bike trails. I felt even better equipped with bikelanes as in the Netherlands! It was late and I was far out from the city big thanks to Moritz for picking us (me and my bike) up (with the pickup) <3 bike bike bike

Then long weekend came again.

I was a bit full of outdoor adventures so I managed to discount down the 3 day trip to 2. We tried to reach Robin lakes with all our stuff on Sunday for a chill overnight camping. However the climb uo to the lakes has proven to be soo steep and not well built that I gave it up and we had to spend the night half way - at the Turck lakes. car

At the Tuck Lake campground we met this lady who was flooding us with useful information about camping. Her task was to clean the campgrounds from ashes in case people illegally had a campfire. The week was very dry and there were some forest fires throughout Washington. (By far not as many forest fires as there have been two years ago.) It is strictly forbidden to have campfire however most people just do not care.

car car car car car

We have realized that we eat far more than our beer can can contain. Thus we needed to built additional construction to save our food from the wildlife. Here you can see the master in action. car

The following morning we climbed up not only to be amazed by the beauty of the Robin lakes but also to collect some blueberries. car car car The view was amazing, however I am pretty sure that noone of us would have enjoyed this climb with our heavy backpacks. car car car car car

WATEEEER It did not rain for a while here. Everything was very dry and the road was full of dust. If it was not enough of the wilderness near the lakes we did not find nice enough water to drink. We have bought some pills which makes the water safe to drink. Well, I would rather say undrinkable as the pill renders the tase horrible. I could not really drink the treated water on the way. So my first thing was to jump on the water botter once back at the car. car

When we started the car Moritz made an inoccent note on one of the tures having low pressure. We were deep in the forest for the first one hour of driving there was no phone reception anything what could help us in case of emergency. This was a very shaky ride thanks to God and to Moritz driving so carefully we managed to push this (too) through. car And that is where I saw the pickup for the last timeā€¦ :( car

Timea Szili

Timea Szili

After spending over a decade working hard in the insurance sector I decided to take a well deserved break. Well it was not all without a reason. My boyfriend, Moritz was offered a work opportunitiny in Seattle. I took this great opportunity life had to offer. I promise do my best to explore this unknown continent and fill my mind as well as the content of this website with more or less funny stories, but most of all beautiful pictures. Follow me to the United States to explore what is beyond the life of an Office slave.